Fine Point Antiques is now Vancouver Island Estate Liquidators

Times are a-changin’ and we are changing with the times.

Our expertise in antiques and collectibles has opened the door to a similar, but new direction for us and there is a real need for our liquidation services.

You can find us on our new website at Vancouver Island Estate Liquidators where all the new galleries will be uploaded for upcoming moving and estate sales.

Everyone on the old Fine Point mailing list will be notified of upcoming sales and anyone can still be added to that list, as it has grown so much over the years since 2008 and is maintained through Mail Chimp.

Sign up for our newsletter here!

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Filed under collectibles

Website Changes

We are currently in the process of overhauling our website, so there may be some crossover issues with links until the old site has been totally removed from the server.

The way to circumvent these are by clearing out your cache and/or refreshing the page or by clicking on the WordPress link on the old site pages.

The new site will be a WordPress design, but at this time the actual domain is merely being forwarded to the WP site that was already there until the site hosting and server changes are finalized.

As always, any time you want to get the latest in our moving or estate sales, please check out our website for the most recent events.

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Filed under collectibles